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Repost from TheGatewayPundit re: Investigation

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Repost by Permission: Enraged Americans Declare To “BlackRock Assassins” Targeting Trump “Bitch You Missed!”

July 15, 2024

Enraged Americans Declare To “BlackRock Assassins” Targeting Trump “Bitch You Missed!

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

A thought-provoking new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today first noting Security Council Deputy Chairman Dmitry Medvedev assessing about the chances of President Donald Trump winning his upcoming election: “He has certainly won…Only if he is not assassinated”, says this assessment was followed by United States Senate candidate David McCormick, who was seated in the front row at the Trump Rally massacre, revealing: “One inch…That’s how close America came to losing Donald Trump to an assassin’s bullet Saturday evening—and that inch may be a metaphor for how close we are to an internal breakdown in the greatest country the world has ever known”, and was a revelation joined by leftist American late show icon Bill Maher declaring: “Trump, I’ve got to say this, is the luckiest motherfucker that has ever walked the face of the earth…This is going to work for him… Biden can’t get through a debate, and a bullet can’t stop Donald Trump”.

Following a doctor telling him it was a “miracle” that he survived the Trump Rally massacre, this report notes, President Trump revealed to the New York Post: “I am not supposed to be here, I am supposed to be dead…By luck or by God, many people are saying it’s by God I’m still here”—a revelation joined by First Lady Melania Trump posting the heartbreaking message: “When I watched that violent bullet strike my husband, Donald, I realized my life, and Barron’s life, were on the brink of devastating change…I am grateful to the brave secret service agents and law enforcement officials who risked their own lives to protect my husband”—all of which was followed by the Politico article “Sunday Services Paint Trump As God’s Chosen One”.

In reflecting on the Trump Rally massacre, this report continues, world-renowned Wall Street Journal columnist Peggy Noonan revealed: “Oh no, not again…I got that feeling you get of chaos and horror and no one in charge…That terrible, cratering feeling you’ve had before….I was watching it live, on television, as I readied to go to dinner…Donald Trump was in a red MAGA hat, talking about the border…I turned away for a moment…Then I heard a scream and looked back at the screen…The podium was empty…Mr. Trump seemed beneath it, with Secret Service agents running toward him, surrounding him…There was more screaming than seems apparent in the replays….I texted my dinner friend: “Something happened”…I called a relative, said put on the TV…We watched as Mr. Trump was hauled up…We saw the blood near his ear…When they trundled him off and he threw up his fist, pumped it at the crowd and shouted, “Fight”, my relative said, “Well, that’s over”…Meaning the election…Meaning you don’t give America an image like that and go on to lose, you give America an image like that and it enters political mythology forever”—a revelation joined with the leftist Washington Post article “A Powerful Photograph That Could Change America Forever”, wherein it assessed: “Trump is seen with blood on his face, his right arm raised to pump a fist at the crowd while the American flag streams above his head…Independent of how this photograph is read and interpreted, it is strongly constructed, with aggressive angles that reflect the chaos and drama of the moment, and a powerful balance of color, all red, white and blue, including the azure sky above and the red-and-white decorative banner below…Trump seems to emerge from within a deconstructed version of its basic colors…It is a photograph that could change America forever”.

Bringing the loving family of President Trump and the American peoples “to the brink of devastating change”, this report details, was powerful Deep State supported anti-Trump political action committee Lincoln Project co-founder and board member Rick Wilson, who issued the public order last November: “The donor class can’t just sit back on the sidelines and say oh well, don’t worry, this will all work itself out…They’re still gonna have to go out and put a bullet in Donald Trump…That’s a fact”.

Leading the socialist Democrat Party “donor class” ordered by the Deep State to “go out and put a bullet in Donald Trump”, this report notes, is the American-based world’s largest investment company BlackRock, which donated a “record amount” to keep socialist Democrats in power, but a fortnight ago, the leftist New York Times revealed: “As more leading Democrats say privately that President Biden should withdraw from the presidential race, some of the party’s most prominent backers on Wall Street spent the holiday weekend debating what to do next…The group — including Larry Fink of BlackRock; Robert Rubin, the former Treasury secretary; Jon Gray of Blackstone; Peter Orszag of Lazard; Blair Effron of Centerview Partners; and Robert Wolf, a former UBS executive close to Barack Obama — talked to friends, colleagues and in some cases each other about whether to stick with Biden”.

Most critical to know about BlackRock, this report continues, is that it stands to lose “the billions of dollars it has invested in Ukraine” when President Trump wins reelection—about whom it was beyond shockingly just revealed: “Thomas Matthew Crooks, the suspect in Saturday’s attempted assassination of former US President Donald Trump, featured in a 2022 ad for BlackRock, the investment giant has revealed….Crooks was shot and killed by US Secret Service officers after discharging multiple rounds at the presumptive Republican presidential candidate, while he was giving a speech at a campaign rally in Pennsylvania…BlackRock disclosed the prior connection with the gunman in a statement on Sunday….The commercial was filmed at Bethel Park High School, from which Crooks graduated two years ago”—and is an ad featuring the Trump assassin BlackRock pulled down a few hours ago.

Among those knowing BlackRock recruits impressionable young leftists for nefarious purposes, this report details, are the French activists that keep forcing their way into the BlackRock office in Paris shouting: “BlackRock Assassins”—is a BlackRock slammed today with the top page Wall Street Journal investigative article “Trump Shooting Is Secret Service’s Most Stunning Failure In Decades”—top American security experts have just proclaimed about the Secret Service: “The agency failed in its mission to protect Trump because it allowed a man with a rifle to climb atop a building less than 450 feet away with a direct line of sight of the presumptive Republican nominee”—is a proclamation of truth joined by the horrifying article “Secret Service Resources Were Diverted To Jill Biden’s Saturday Campaign Event In Pittsburgh And Away From Trump’s – Many Agents Assigned To Trump Were Temporary Replacements” and the bone chilling investigative video “They WAITED 42 Seconds To Shoot Trump’s Assassin”.

While the American peoples raised nearly $900,000 in a few hours for the daughter of Trump Rally massacre victim Corey Comperatore, who died a hero shielding his family from the bullet meant to blow the head off President Trump, this report concludes, the true rage of these Americans is best exampled in the rap video “You Missed” released a few hours ago by world-renowned Canadian rapper Tom MacDonald, that’s been viewed by over 1.6 million peoples in the first 21 hours since posted, and whose main lyric defiantly declares: “Bitch you missed!”.

[Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]

July 15, 2024 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.

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From ZeroHedge re: Secret Service Failure

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Romans 10:9 that if you will confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For with the heart, one believes resulting in righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made resulting in salvation. 11 For the Scripture says, “Whoever believes in him will not be disappointed.” 12 For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek; for the same Lord is Lord of all, and is rich to all who call on him. 13 For, “Whoever will call on the name of the Lord will be saved.”