Repost by Permission: Iranian Nuclear Bomb Test Explosion Throws Israel And West Into Full-Blown Panic

October 8, 2024

Iranian Nuclear Bomb Test Explosion Throws Israel And West Into Full-Blown Panic

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

A beyond horrifying to contemplate new Security Council (SCreport circulating in the Kremlin today first noting Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov warning about the socialist Western colonial powers: “They are discussing authorizing the Armed Forces of Ukraine to use Western long-range missiles to strike deep into Russian territory…Playing with fire in this way may lead to dangerous consequences”, says this warning was joined by socialist European Union warmongering leader High Representative Josep Borrell assessing: “Many want the war to end as soon as possible…If we stop supporting Ukraine, the war will be over in 15 days and Putin will achieve his goals…But do we want that for the Ukrainians and for our own safety, for the Europeans?”—an assessment followed by the Ministry of Defense (MoD) announcing that Russian military forces eliminated over 1,715 Ukrainian servicemen during the past 24 hours and revealing: “Overall, the Russian Armed Forces have destroyed 646 Ukrainian warplanes, 283 helicopters, 33,013 unmanned aerial vehicles, 580 surface-to-air missile systems, 18,544 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 1,469 multiple rocket launchers, 15,743 field artillery guns and mortars and 27,020 special military motor vehicles since the start of the special military operation on 23 February 2022”.

While the socialist Western colonial powers are “playing with fire” in its proxy war against Russia using their corrupt puppet state Ukraine, this report notes, President Donald Trump warned about Marxist radical Vice President Kamala Harris, whom he previously branded “Comrade Kamala”, yesterday: “She hates Israel…If she’s president, I believe Israel will not exist within two years from now”—Comrade Kamala quickly responded to this warning with the declaration: “That’s absolutely not true…I have my entire career and life supported Israel and the Israeli people”—all of which was joined by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) announcing: “Over 26,000 rockets, projectiles and drones have been fired at Israeli territory from the Gaza Strip, Lebanon, Syria, Yemen and Iran since the Hamas attack on 7 October 2023” and the Gaza Health Ministry revealing: “Nearly 42,000 people were killed in the Gaza Strip in the year since the outbreak of the conflict with Israel, with more than 60% of them being women and children”.

On the night of 13-14 April, this report continues, the Islamic Republic of Iran launched more than 300 ballistic missiles, cruise missiles and suicide drones at Israel in what it named “Operation True Promise”—on the night of 2 October, it saw Iran unleashing “Operation True Promise II”, which decimated Israel with what the Jerusalem Post documented as “400 ballistic missiles”—and an IDF spokesman admitted yesterday about the 2 October attack: “The Nevatim and Tel Nof air force bases were hit, leaving no aircraft or air force capabilities affected…Both bases remain fully operational”.

Earlier today, this report details, Iranian Foreign Minister Abbas Araghchi issued the dire warning: “We tell the Zionist regime not to test Iran’s resolve, as any attack on Iran will be met with an even stronger response than before…We monitor and analyze every move with precision, and we neither hurry nor hesitate to give a response…Any attack by the Zionist regime on Iran’s infrastructure will be met with an even stronger response…Our enemies know what targets inside the Zionist regime are within our reach…They have seen the power of our missiles with their own eyes…The execution of Operation True Promise 1&2 by the armed forces demonstrated Iran’s determination and resolve that any aggressive action will be met with a response from the Islamic Republic”.

Immediately joining the dire warning Iran issued to Israel today, this report notes, the semi-official Tasnim News Agency in Iran associated with the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) released the war document “Iran Has At Least 10 Scenarios For Tough Response To Israel”, wherein it gravely warned: “Iran’s response will not be necessarily reciprocation at the same level of the Israelis’ action, but it may be harsher and aim for different targets that would intensify the effectiveness of the response…The territories occupied by the Zionist regime are much smaller than Iran’s area and Israel has more sensitive and fewer infrastructures, so that Iran’s retaliation could inflict unprecedented troubles on the Israeli regime…Any country that would assist the Zionists in a possible action will have crossed Iran’s red lines and will suffer damages”.

At near exactly the same time the Tasnim News Agency released the Iranian war document today, this report continues, the Wall Street Journal released its article “A Weakened Iran Still Has A Major Deterrent: The Nuclear Option”, wherein it fearfully observed: “While it claims its nuclear program is for purely peaceful purposes, Iran is the only nonnuclear weapons power that produces highly enriched uranium…It currently has enough near-weapons-grade fuel for almost four nuclear weapons, according to the most recent data from the International Atomic Energy Agency…Iran also has been conducting experiments with uranium metal, a key component of a nuclear weapon, and has cut back much of the international oversight granted by the nuclear deal”.

Throwing both Israel and its socialist Western colonial allies into full-blown panic, this report concludes, was the 4.5-magnitude seismic event that occurred in the Semnan Province of Iran on Saturdaya seismic event that caused socialist European Union and NATO member leader French President Emmanuel Macron to call for an immediate halt on arms deliveries to Israel on Saturdayand undoubtedly known by President Macron, was that this seismic event lacked a seismic compressional wave, which could only mean it was an underground nuclear bomb test explosion conducted by Iran.

[Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]

October 8, 2024 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.

Romans 10:9 that if you will confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For with the heart, one believes resulting in righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made resulting in salvation. 11 For the Scripture says, “Whoever believes in him will not be disappointed.” 12 For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek; for the same Lord is Lord of all, and is rich to all who call on him. 13 For, “Whoever will call on the name of the Lord will be saved.”