Repost by Permission: Most Feared American Doctor Joins Trump As Health Emergency Declaration Looms

October 3, 2024

Most Feared American Doctor Joins Trump As Health Emergency Declaration Looms

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

A thought-provoking new Security Council (SCreport circulating in the Kremlin today first noting Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov proclaimed on the 75th Anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Russia and China this morning: “Today, Russian-Chinese cooperation has acquired the nature of a comprehensive partnership and strategic interaction that enter a new era…According to the leaders of our countries, bilateral relations are currently at an unprecedentedly high level…We are convinced that Russia needs a prosperous and stable China while China needs a strong and successful Russia…Our friendly and good-neighborly relations are not within an alliance, but they are superior in their effectiveness to military-political alliances that exercise the logic of confrontation”, says Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi responded with the declaration: “China and Russia will continue to fight for international justice and contribute to building a multipolar world…China and Russia are leading the charge in embodying the concept of a human community with a common destiny and act as a power opposing hegemonism, as well as unilateral and force-based policies”.

Exercising “the logic of confrontation” and using “force-based policies” to stop Russia and China from establishing “a human community with a common destiny”, this report notes, is the United States, about which was revealed today: “A compounding series of challenges are converging all at once for the White House — port workers are striking, fighting in the Middle East is escalating, and Hurricane Helene has ravaged parts of the southern and eastern U.S., all while a month away from Election Day…The issues unraveling both domestically and internationally is putting Vice President Harris to the test as she spends the final weeks of her campaign trying to convince voters that the current administration should not be punished at the polls in November”.

The “trifecta of challenges” unraveling for Marxist radical Vice President Kamala Harris, whom President Donald Trump branded “Comrade Kamala”, this report continues, includes the “supply chain hell” caused by the American port strike that has impacted 91% of imported prescription drugsare prescription drugs desperately by the rapidly failing American medical system, about which was revealed today: “The U.S. healthcare system ranks last among 10 advanced economies…It pays $4.5 trillion per year — 16.5% of the entire GDP — to live sicker and die faster than any modern nation”—and as to why Americans “live sicker and die faster than any modern nation”, the just released article “Healthier McDonald’s Options Available In Europe, But Not In The US” shockingly revealed: “There are now hundreds, if not thousands, of substances added to our foods for which the true safety data are unknown to independent scientists, the government, and the public”.

For Americans voicing concerns over every toxic issue, this report details, they’ve been pummeled into silence by their socialist Democrat Party overlords and leftist media propagandists branding them conspiracy theorists—a fact best exampled by the Americans that have long objected to the known poison fluoride put into their public water systems, which is outlawed in the vast majority of the world, but last week it was revealed: “A federal judge has ordered the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to further regulate fluoride in drinking water because high levels could pose a risk to the intellectual development of children”—and for Americans voicing grave concerns over the health effects of smartphones on their children, it was reported today: “Countries should consider regulating digital devices like smartphones in a similar way to tobacco products, to combat social media’s rising negative impact on young people’s mental health, the World Health Organization’s Natasha Azzopardi Muscat said”.

Now in open rebellion against her former socialist Democrat Party overlords and leftist media propagandists to protect the American peoples health, this report notes, is multi-billionaire Silicon Valley tech titan Nicole Shanahan, who became the vice presidential running mate of health crusader Robert Kennedy Jr.—along with Kennedy it saw fearless Shanahan throwing her full support to President Trump, and to educate Americans she regularly posts comprehensive warning health videos like “Cell Health: The Risks Of 5G Cell Towers”.

In 2012, this report concludes, world-renowned American neurosurgeon Dr. Jack Kruse became so feared his Ted Talk was bannedwas a Ted Talk wherein Dr. Kruse revealed his beyond astonishing discovery of how fast people can lose weight without medicines—two months ago, Dr. Kruse revealed to Americans what the CIA doesn’t what them to know about lightthis week, on the popular Danny Jones Podcast, it saw Dr. Kruse revealing he has just met President Trump team members Nicole Shanahan and Robert Kennedy Jr., after which he spent four hours describing in mind-blowing detail the criminal health crimes committed against Americans by their own government and corporationsall of which explains why Robert Kennedy Jr. posted a notice to Americans revealing that upon taking office, President Trump will immediately declare a National Health Emergency.

[Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]

October 3, 2024 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.

Romans 10:9 that if you will confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For with the heart, one believes resulting in righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made resulting in salvation. 11 For the Scripture says, “Whoever believes in him will not be disappointed.” 12 For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek; for the same Lord is Lord of all, and is rich to all who call on him. 13 For, “Whoever will call on the name of the Lord will be saved.”