Repost by Permission: First Trump Assassin Crooks Paid “Super Citizen” Second Trump Assassin Routh—Why?

September 18, 2024

First Trump Assassin Crooks Paid “Super Citizen” Second Trump Assassin Routh—Why?

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

A deeply disturbing new Security Council (SCreport circulating in the Kremlin today first noting President Donald Trump declared during a town hall rally in Flint-Michigan yesterday: “Only consequential presidents get shot at”, says this declaration was followed by the Politico article “Michigan Republicans Flock To Trump: Some See ‘The Hand Of God’ In Action”, wherein it revealed: “They wore it on their T-shirts and expressed it in the way they kneeled to pray: At his first event after the Secret Service opened fire on a suspected gunman hiding in the bushes around Trump’s Florida golf club — the second apparent assassination attempt on his life in almost as many months — Trump’s supporters were invoking the divine”.

In August-1991, this report notes, the Greensboro Police Department in North Carolina awarded second President Trump assassin Ryan Routh a “Law Enforcement Oscar” and called him the “citizen of the year”, about which the Greensboro News & Record newspaper reported on in its article “Police Organization Honors “Super Citizen”” published on 27 August 1991.

In the 33 years since being hailed as a “super citizen”, this report continues, second President Trump assassin Routh was reported to have been arrested multiple times, including for possessing a weapon of mass destruction and holding police at bay while armed for hours in a hostage standoff—Routh was given slap on the wrist lenient sentences for his felony crimes, and retired Greensboro Police Department officer Eric Rasecke revealed: “Routh’s attitude was that he was above everybody…He could do what he wanted…It didn’t matter…He was pretty entitled…He ran his mouth quite a bit about how he could get off ”—and two days ago, on 16 September, the article “Ryan Routh And CIA” revealed: “Ryan Routh was a CIA operative who previously recruited Maxwell Yearick and Kennon Hooper for the Ukraine war…Maxwell Yearick is one of the suspects in Trump’s assassination attempt at Butler, Pennsylvania….As an important CIA Asset, Routh facilitated millions of cash payments for recruiting informants…Both Maxwell Yearick and Ryan Routh previously worked at Patterson Energy, a company owned by the Rothschild Family”.

The 16 September article linking second President Trump assassin Routh to the CIA, this report details, was published by a mysterious person using the name Edward Heckman—on 30 August, it saw Heckman publishing his article “Maxwell Yearick Has Gone Missing Since Trump Rally”, wherein it revealed first President Trump assassin Thomas Crooks made “unusual payments” to second President Trump assassin RouthMaxwell Yearick was arrested at a Trump rally in Pittsburgh-Pennsylvania in 2017, given a 12 month prison sentence, and could pass as the identical twin of first President Trump assassin Crooks—an archive copy of the 30 August article published by Heckman shows no mention of Routh—and MJTruthUltra investigators observed: “Strange things are happening…This person, Edward Heckman, wrote an article dated August 30, 2024…He wrote that bank records revealed Thomas Crooks from the 1st assassination attempt, made unusual payments to two individuals… Including Ryan Routh, from the Second Assassination Attempt—— he even connected Maxwell Yearick as a CIA Operative who trained Ryan Routh…But here’s the weird part…I used the way back machine and found that this information WAS NOT part of the original article; meaning, this information was added recently….Stinks of three letter agency involvement”.

Along with CannCon investigators observing about the 30 August article published by Heckman : “The Ryan Routh part was added today, according to WayBack…But Yearick ties to Ukraine were mentioned in the 8/30 original version of this post”, this report notes: CIA-NSA whistleblower Tony Seruga revealed: “Ryan Wesley Routh visited Fort Bragg dozens of times in the past few years…Isn’t the US Army’s psychological operations unit out of Fort Bragg?”—a revelation quickly followed by MJTruthUltra investigators posting a video with the caption: “The Shooter, Ryan Routh, is believed to have been spotted at Kamala Harris’ North Carolina Rally on September 12 when they bussed everyone in…What do you think?…Same person?”.

With questions being raised like how second President Trump assassin Routh was able to buy first class airline tickets costing thousands of dollars while only reporting he makes $3,000 a year, this report continues, his connections in Iran have come under concern, along with why federal agents never flagged his travel or investigated himand former Navy Seal and current United States Congressman Eli Crane most gravely warned yesterday: “There is a very real possibility that there is a MOLE in the Secret Service”.

Also yesterday, this report concludes, world-renowned Blackwater private military company founder Eric Prince gave an interview wherein he voiced grave concerns over the bizarre background of second President Trump assassin Routh—world-renowned retired top CIA official Michael Scheuer declared yesterday: “Ryan Wesley Routh is a patsy groomed by the deep state to carry out a hit on Donald Trump”—on 9 September, six days prior to Routh attempting to assassinate President Trump, the article “Edward Heckman Reported Maxwell Yearick Missing Since July 14, Attempted Murder” revealed: “Thomas Crooks’ bank records show a few odd payments made to Peter Riddle and Ryan Routh…An additional peculiarity of this case is that we tried to get in touch with Ryan Routh via his Facebook account, but the messages weren’t sent…Since July, the residence of Peter Riddle, the other suspect, in Virginia, has been secured”—early this morning, the X social media account of Edward Heckman showed the message “This account doesn’t exist”, and whose very last message (archived below) warned: “Donald Trump will face a third assassination attempt this October…The perpetrator is expected to be Peter Riddle…Riddle, along with Ryan Routh and Maxwell Yearick, have worked together in Ukraine for the CIA”.

[Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]

September 18, 2024 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.

Romans 10:9 that if you will confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For with the heart, one believes resulting in righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made resulting in salvation. 11 For the Scripture says, “Whoever believes in him will not be disappointed.” 12 For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek; for the same Lord is Lord of all, and is rich to all who call on him. 13 For, “Whoever will call on the name of the Lord will be saved.”