Repost by Permission: Russia Issues “The End Of Ukraine Will Be Quick, Cold And Dark” Final Warning

September 29, 2024

Russia Issues “The End Of Ukraine Will Be Quick, Cold And Dark” Final Warning

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

A thought-provoking new Security Council (SCreport circulating in the Kremlin today first noting Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov most factually assessed during his United Nations press conference in New York City yesterday: “Each time an agreement Russia always goes for is derailed, Ukraine shrinks…If Ukraine continues along the same path, if it continues to use some gimmicks again in order to buy time, it will not succeed”, says this factual assessment was joined by top Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov warning: “The Kremlin sees Western statements about preparations for a war with Russia as an official position”.

While the socialist Western colonial powers insanely contemplate escalating its corrupt puppet state Ukraine proxy war against Russia to World War III, this report notes, the Ministry of Defense (MoD) announced today: “The Ukrainian armed forces have lost up to 1,965 soldiers over the past 24 hours in battles with Russian forces” and the Financial Times in London revealed: “The Ukrainian military has been so depleted by attrition that new infantry troops are often unfit for combat and flee at the first sign of fighting…In some units, around two thirds of soldiers are reportedly killed or wounded within days of arriving at the front”.

In the despotic and tyrannical ruled over former Soviet Union, this report continues, Russian peoples were brutally persecuted and imprisoned if caught listening to Western newscasts—in a shameful historical reversal, today it sees Western peoples persecuted and imprisoned if caught listening to Russian newscasts—and are Russian newscasts that truthfully report information Western media outlets keep hidden behind paywalls to keep ordinary peoples from knowing the truth, like the just released Wall Street Journal article “Biden Reneges On His Ukraine Promise”, wherein it revealed: “As part of its Ukraine supplemental funding bill this year, Congress stipulated that the Biden Administration submit a strategy for U.S. aid, due within 45 days…Mr. Biden knew this commitment was necessary to get aid through Congress, and he signed the bill…Yet the Administration submitted the document months after the congressionally-mandated deadline…Also, and this is typical of the Biden stonewall: The document is entirely classified”.

Among those knowing the truth about the Ukraine proxy war against Russia kept hidden from Western peoples by their own socialist overlords, this report details, is British expert Alexander Mercouris, who just assessed: “The best way for Western leaders to approach this issue is to recognize two things…First, Ukraine will lose the war and Russia will win it…Second, we need to recognize that President Zelensky himself and the current government in Kiev, as well as any other possible government in Ukraine, are incapable of ending the conflict through negotiations…And to avoid the final geopolitical catastrophe, it is now essential to mend ties with Russia…So we need to recognize that Ukraine cannot join NATO…We need to recognize that it will indeed remain neutral”.

The “final geopolitical catastrophe” fast looming over corrupt puppet state Ukraine and its socialist Western colonial puppet masters, this report concludes, was best described by top Russian investigative journalist Kirill Strelnikov, who, in his just released article “The End Of Ukraine Will Be Quick, Cold And Dark”, warningly observed:

Contrary to expectations, Volodymyr Zelensky chose a seemingly completely illogical topic for his recent speech at the UN General Assembly.

Instead of the usual calls for more long-range wonder weapons and lots and lots of money, he suddenly, raising his hands, began to speak passionately about the Ukrainian energy sector, a love for which he had not previously been noted.  According to him, Ukraine‘s energy system is 80 percent destroyed, which is why “millions of people could be left without heat this winter“.

It is clear that for the Kyiv regime, the suffering of ordinary Ukrainians is as distant as transgender people are from women’s sports.  So why did Zelensky decide to use what is likely his last chance to address the UN to speak about transformers and wires?

The curtain on this issue may be partially lifted by yesterday’s publication in the Washington Post entitled “Ukrainian energy problems this winter will fall on the shoulders of an exhausted people“.  According to WP experts, “the coming winter may be the harshest for Ukraine in the entire conflict due to energy shortages and the poor psychological state of the population“, that is, Ukraine may suffer a defeat not because of Russian guns and tanks, but because of the lack of electricity in the socket.

According to the publication’s sources, due to Russian strikes, Ukraine has already lost about half of its energy capacity (less than Zelensky complains, but closer to reality).  Despite the feverish attempts of the authorities to patch up the gaping holes in the energy system with the help of mobile boiler houses and generators, the bulk of energy production in Ukraine this winter will still be concentrated in large power plants.  In this regard, the authors of the article anxiously predict that this will allow Russia to finally “put down” the entire energy system of Nezalezhnaya with the help of pinpoint missile strikes.

We remember that ritual commemorations of the Ukrainian energy system took place strictly according to schedule during the SVO every autumn after the onset of cold weather.  But now there is reason to believe that both the Ukrainian energy system and the Kiev regime may not survive this winter due to an obvious change in the strategy of the Russian Armed Forces in terms of the energy issue.

According to Russian and foreign experts, regardless of the numbers that Zelensky and company juggle, by this point the cumulative effect of the Russian army’s systemic strikes on Ukraine’s energy generation and distribution facilities has already become critical, with the main result from a military point of view being the accelerating fragmentation of the country’s previously unified energy system.

In fact, Ukraine has now begun to disintegrate (for now) into two “energy islands“: the western-central one, which relies on the Rivne and Khmelnytskyi NPPs and is fed by neighboring EU countries, and the conditionally eastern one (Odessa, MykolaivZaporizhiaDnipropetrovsk, Kyiv, Sumy and Kharkiv regions), which has only the South Ukrainian NPP and the remains of a hydroelectric power station and a thermal power station.

For obvious reasons, the Russian Armed Forces do not strike the NPPs themselves, but this is not necessary to zero them out: it is enough to destroy or seriously damage the corresponding open switchgear (OSG), without which it will be physically impossible to transmit the energy generated at the NPP further along the chain.

As a result, entire regions may experience a complete blackout, because due to “islanding“, it will no longer be possible to redirect electricity from other regions.  According to the director of the Center for Energy Research of Ukraine, Alexander Kharchenko, if at least one OSG is knocked out in the cold or two, even in the current weather, “we are definitely in a blackout. No options. Then most of the country may be without power“.

And, apparently, the strike by our army on the Ukrainian energy system on August 26, which caused a stormy resonance, became, in essence, a dress rehearsal for the final operation “Lights Out“.

Some observers noted that, unlike the mass attack in the spring, which targeted generation facilities, this time they specifically targeted distribution facilities – distribution substations and main power transmission lines.  According to the map of affected facilities, the scenario of “disconnecting from the meter” of an entire macro-region was being worked out.

Apparently, the West has realized that Russia has decided to focus on the “asymmetrical” zeroing of Ukraine in parts.  At the G7 meeting, US State Department Secretary Blinken threw a tantrum and said that “the coming winter will be difficult” in Ukraine because “Putin uses winter as a weapon“, so “we need to give Ukraine everything so that it survives this winter” — and here is my Yandex wallet and a used power plant from Lithuania.

However, one thing is clear: no matter what Kyiv’s curators do, the inevitable collapse of Ukraine’s energy sector (and with it, the country itself) can no longer be stopped, and we will not allow it.

What did you expect?  Let’s remember what NATO said in 1999 about the correctness and necessity of destroying Yugoslavia’s energy system.

NATO spokesman Jamie Shea: “As you know, a new feature of last night’s operations was the attack on the electrical systems that power the Yugoslav army’s command and control. A tank without fuel is far less useful than a tank with fuel. And likewise, a command system or computer in the hands of the military without power is reduced to a mass of metal, wires and plastic“.

German Air Force Major General Walter Jerz: “The combined effect was a temporary power outage across a large part of Serbia. These strikes further reduce the Serbs’ ability to continue their campaign of aggression. I would like to emphasize that these actions are not directed against the Serbian people“.

We swear on the pioneer tie – our actions are not directed against the Serbian people either.  We agree with everything else, we will try, we will write in the winter.

[Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]

September 29, 2024 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.

Romans 10:9 that if you will confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For with the heart, one believes resulting in righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made resulting in salvation. 11 For the Scripture says, “Whoever believes in him will not be disappointed.” 12 For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek; for the same Lord is Lord of all, and is rich to all who call on him. 13 For, “Whoever will call on the name of the Lord will be saved.”