Repost by Permission: “POTUS Is 421” Biden Emergency Code Joined By Powerful Democrat “Career Suicide Note”

October 5, 2024

POTUS Is 421” Biden Emergency Code Joined By Powerful Democrat “Career Suicide Note

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

A beyond gobsmacking new Security Council (SCreport circulating in the Kremlin today first noting Americans are all aware of the failed assassination of President Donald Trump in Butler-Pennsylvania on 13 July, says this doesn’t apply to what happened four days later on 17 July, which was when Las Vegas-Nevada police broadcast a dire “POTUS is 421” code signaling President Joe Biden was suffering from a medical emergency, that was followed by Biden announcing he was dropping out of the presidential race four days later on 21 July—and while Americans are suffering from one of its worst natural disasters in history caused by Hurricane Helene, yesterday it saw top Republican Party leader United States Senator Tommy Tuberville shockingly revealing during a radio interview:

We’re in a tough situation, Jeff, and we’ve been lied to.  We’ve been scammed, the American people have been scammed.

You know, I’m a Republican, but first of all, I’m an American that believes in Christian values and believe in our country and believe in the people that built this country and I want to leave this country to our kids and grandkids.  So that being said, we’ve been scammed.

You know, you’ve got two people running now for office that were not elected through the process.  They were selected.  And why did that happen?  I know people when Joe Biden got out, friends of mine on the Democratic side in the Senate, they were going to run for the nomination when they had their convention.  And they were immediately called and told, you will not run.  We have selected this person to run.  Pretty much threatened them.

And so they didn’t run.  And so. they said, hey, you know, I’m not getting involved in something that could be a huge threat to me and my family.  So what has happened is, Mayorkas and this whole group have lied to the American people for three and a half, going on four years.

He kept saying our borders closed and this and that.  Now, you know, we all been looking for, where are they getting this money from to take care of these people?  Other than the fact we knew they’re using the CARES money, COVID money, Inflation Reduction Act money.

Now we know that the group that has been confiscated by this regime other than the DOJ, the FBI, the CIA, everybody involved, now FEMA.  They have been taking money from FEMA and paying these illegal immigrants and taking care of them.  And it’s all coming out in the light.

And people now look, well, wait a minute, this is for a natural disaster, not a manmade disaster like the border.  But they’re corrupt.  Every day, something comes up now that they’ve been exposed, that they’ve been doing, they shouldn’t be doing.

And people should be going to jail.  This is treason.

Advising Marxist radical Vice President Kamala Harris, whom President Trump branded “Comrade Kamala”, this report notes, is former top Obama-Biden Regime official David Axelrod, about whom it was just beyond shockingly revealed: “On his podcast David Axelrod says Democrat voters in Asheville, North Carolina are smarter, wealthier and will still show up to vote for Kamala while he thinks Trump voters won’t…This is why Kamala and Biden aren’t helping, they benefit from the disaster”—a beyond shocking revelation joined by horrifying articles like “SpaceX Engineer In North Carolina Has Dire Warning: Biden-Harris’ FEMA “Actively Blocking Shipments” For Relief” and ““My Blood Is Boiling”: Furious Elon Musk Goes Off On FEMA For Blocking SpaceX Engineers from Assisting — FEMA Actively Seizing Shipments and Blocking Critical Goods And Services”—and Elon Musk posted the urgent warning message to the American peoples: “FEMA is not merely failing to adequately help people in trouble, but is actively blocking citizens who try to help!”.

Later today, this report continues, fearless, unbroken and unbowed President Trump will return to the site of his failed assassination in Butler-Pennsylvania to hold a massive rally honoring the hero killed and wounded survivors, and it was most factually observed: “The rally serves as a spiritual reset for the Trump campaign, which has carried both the trauma and the glory of Trump’s surviving an assassination attempt more than nine years after he launched his first presidential campaign…Trump has shared that his life was spared by God in Butler, PA, heightening the stakes for the 2024 campaign”.

In what historians and mental health professionals will be examining for generations to come, this report concludes, yesterday it saw life-long antiwar American singer icon Bruce Springsteen endorsing Comrade Kamala—an antiwar endorsement joined by Comrade Kamala praising actually insane warhawk Liz Cheney and her neocon warmongering father Vice President Dick Cheney, which was quickly followed by articles like “Kamala Harris’s Warm Words For Has-Been Warmonger Dick Cheney Backfire As Social Media Users Respond In Brutal Fashion”—and whose most “brutal fashion” response to Comrade Kamala beyond stunningly came from powerful socialist Democrat Party thought leader and award winning author M.C. Armstrong, who in his self described “Career Suicide Note” declared:

To The Democrats,

This is my career suicide note, but it’s also a thank you from someone who is done with careerism.  I’m a lifelong member of your party and I’m voting for Donald Trump.

Why?  It’s not just your industrial-scale censorship or your endless wars or the fact that you disenfranchised millions of Kennedy voters through lawfare.  If that were all I had, it would be sufficient, in terms of conscience and rage, but there’s more to this story than anger.  Your hatred and censorship has taught me to admire Donald Trump and to love my fellow working-class Americans, and for that I thank you.

This vote is for all the traumatized people who have been canceled and banished just for saying no to the establishment.  This vote is for the surveyor, the farmer, the HVAC man, the nurse, the hairstylist, the Deadhead, the veteran, and my fellow adjunct professors who have told me their stories about being bullied by the Democrats in their friends and family and their colleagues at work.

This is for the young Black woman in my class last year who, on the day of Kamala Harris’s visit to campus, said, “You’re going to hate me, Dr. Armstrong, but I’m not going. I’m voting for Donald Trump”.  Why would she think I would hate her for the way she votes?  What has happened to our country?

Somehow, Donald Trump has changed my mind.  Where I once saw a cartoon white supremacist, warmonger, and narcissist, I now see the man who renegotiated NAFTA and the only president in the twenty-first century not to start a new war.  Where I once saw the pal of the neocons, I now see a man who has awoken from his slumber and disavowed Dick Cheney, George Bush, and John Bolton, even as my own party embraces these “men”.

Why has the greatest entrepreneur of my generation Elon Musk risked his career to side with Trump?

Why has the most consequential grassroots environmentalist of my time Robert Kennedy Jr. sacrificed friends, family, and reputation to side with “The Orange Menace”?

Why has the most courageous peace activist of the twenty-first century Tulsi Gabbard left our party?

Because Tulsi, Bobby, and Elon see what I see.  Donald Trump is resilient and he’s risking his life to change the fate of our nation.

Trump is transforming the Republican Party into the party of peace, free speech, and the working-class.  He has converted George Bush’s billionaire boys club of Big War, Big Ag, and Big Pharma into a party that cares about public health and embraces regenerative agriculture.

Now I don’t think the GOP is all the way there yet, but they’re clearly the party that embraces dissent, and dissent—brave speech—is the fuel for evolution.

So, for the first time in my life, I’m voting Republican.

In the name of peace in Ukraine and free speech here at home, I’m casting my vote, as a Kennedy Democrat, for Donald Trump.

[Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]

October 5, 2024 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.

Romans 10:9 that if you will confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For with the heart, one believes resulting in righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made resulting in salvation. 11 For the Scripture says, “Whoever believes in him will not be disappointed.” 12 For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek; for the same Lord is Lord of all, and is rich to all who call on him. 13 For, “Whoever will call on the name of the Lord will be saved.”