Repost by Permission: Americans Warned To Prepare For “Greatest Mental Health Crisis In History Of Country”

October 16, 2024

Americans Warned To Prepare For “Greatest Mental Health Crisis In History Of Country

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

A thought-provoking new Security Council (SCreport circulating in the Kremlin today first noting socialist Western colonial corrupt unelected usurper puppet leader Ukraine Dictator Vladimir Zelensky publicly unveiled his so-called “victory plan” this morning, says top Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov most factually immediately observed: “The victory plan that Ukrainian leader Vladimir Zelensky unveiled to the public on Wednesday seems to reflect Washington’s intention to fight Russia to the last Ukrainian”—the Ukrainian city Kherson completely lost electricity while Zelensky was raging like a lunatic about his fantasy victory plan, then Ukraine Prime Minister Denis Shmigal revealed: “90% of Ukraine’s thermal power generation capabilities have been destroyed by Russian long-range strikes”.

Yesterday, this report notes, the Daily Express newspaper in London revealed: “Behind closed doors, the British military has grim expectations for the Ukraine conflict and believes that Kiev is about to lose”—a revelation that followed the Western-linked military channel @infantmilitario releasing beyond staggering casualty numbers, which caused world-renowned free speech icon German-Finnish political activist Kim Dotcom to post the warning alert: “The latest Ukraine numbers: 1.8 million casualties…780,000 killed since February 2022…Joe Biden and Kamala Harris did that…The Democrats destroyed Ukraine…Vote accordingly”.

The main military architect achieving the destruction of Ukraine, this report continues, is now retired United States Joint Chief’s of Staff Chairman General Mark Milley, about whom the leftist Washington Post just revealed told journalist Bob Woodward: “No one has ever been as dangerous to this country as Donald Trump…Now I realize he’s a total fascist…He is the most dangerous person to this country”, but also explained General Milley’s motivation: “He fears being recalled to uniform to be court-martialed for disloyalty, should Trump win against Vice President Kamala Harris in November”—and about General Milley it has been documented: “Milley did several things that arguably meet the definition of treason…First, Milley made two calls to an official in China’s People’s Liberation Army just months before Trump left office, assuring our most formidable adversary that he would give advance warning if the US were ever going to attack the communist nation….Milley also made headlines for surrendering Afghanistan and arming the Taliban with $85 billion in US military equipment”.

Along with destroying Ukraine, surrendering Afghanistan and arming the Taliban with $85 billion in American military equipment, this report details, General Milley began the destruction of the American military with socialist woke ideology—President Donald Trump responded to General Milley with a campaign video yesterday, he released with the captioned “WE WILL NOT HAVE A WOKE MILITARY!”—and it was reported today: “The daughter of famed filmmaker Stanley Kubrick announced her late father would be a supporter of former President Trump after the Republican presidential candidate used footage from Kubrick’s military film, “Full Metal Jacket,” in a campaign video”.

Sure to strike General Milley with terror, this report notes, is the interview America’s most trusted newsman Tucker Carlson conducted with famed political journalist Mark Halperin—and in this just released interview “Mark Halperin On Why He Thinks Trump Will Win And The Left’s Mental Collapse”, about which is stated: “Mark Halperin has better political sources than anyone in media…He now believes Donald Trump is likely to win…If that happens, Halperin predicts the psychological collapse of the Democratic Party”, it sees Halperin gravely warning what will happen when President Trump wins: “I think it will cause the biggest mental health crisis in the history of America…And I don’t think it will be a passing thing that by the inauguration will be fine…I think it will be sustained and unprecedented and hideous”.

Following Halperin warning that a President Trump victory “will cause the biggest mental health crisis in the history of America”, this report concludes, it was revealed: “Trust in the US news media hits record low, according to a new Gallup poll…Only 31% of Americans say they have confidence that the press reports news fairly and accurately”—a revelation joined by former top White House official Mick Mulvaney, in his just released open letter “Media Bias Is A Great Disservice To The American Public”, truthfully observing:

We didn’t need the “60 Minutes” story or a (second?)  Vogue cover to convince us that the media are rooting heavily for Vice President Kamala Harris in the upcoming election.  And before those involved start clutching their pearls and breathlessly reiterating the fiction that they are “independent journalists”, keep in mind that no one really believes that.  Maybe they don’t even believe it.

And that’s fine.  This is about politics and governance, not media biases.

If Harris wins, the media can congratulate themselves for having helped.  There is nothing wrong with that.  All sorts of people participate in the public square in all sorts of ways. Some people run for office, others support think tanks, and some go into journalism.  Many of us are activists in some way.

But if she loses, I imagine a lot of those media voices will be leading the chorus of voices trying to explain how such a “tragedy” could take place in this country.  Their introspection will likely include whether America really wants a dictator, whether  the Electoral College should be replaced, or if the “deplorables” are just too stupid to elect Harris.

The following is my message to those mainstream journalists.  If you fall into that category, please print this out now and put it in an envelope marked “Open on Nov. 6 if Harris loses”.

So here it is:  blame yourselves.

I know it seems counterintuitive that, having worked so hard to help the Harris campaign, you have caused her to lose.  But in doing so, you have been so extreme and so painfully obvious as to undermine your own credibility with a large swath of the country.  At least half of America just assumes automatically that whatever you report isn’t accurate.

After all, you tried to convince everyone that the Hunter Biden laptop was a Russian hoax.  It wasn’t.

You misleadingly — and deliberately — suggested that Trump intentionally destroyed phone call logs from Jan. 6.  He didn’t.

You suggested again and again that Trump called neo-Nazi protesters at Charlottesville “good people”.  He did not, and in fact he condemned them.

You repeatedly tried to convince people that Trump has openly promised to be a “dictator from Day One”.  He said “for one day”.

You have perpetuated the myth that Trump promised a “bloodbath” if he doesn’t win the election.  He was obviously referencing the impact on the U.S. automotive industry if Biden-Harris policies continue.

Do you see a trend here?  Everybody else does.  Or at least the people outside of your editorial staff meetings, your faculty boardrooms, and your dinner parties in Washington.

Take a recent story from NBC about Trump “escalating” his attacks on criticism of him.  The story — presented as a news piece, not opinion — follows the now timeworn pattern of comparing Trump to Vladimir Putin, suggesting that he wants to criminalize political speech, and even referencing an “expert who studies authoritarianism and fascism”.  There is also what has become the obligatory Hitler reference.

The purpose of the piece was pretty simple; to frighten people into thinking Trump is going to throw all of his political enemies into jail, suspend the First Amendment, and institute a repressive dictatorial regime should he become president again.  It is, as usual, never made clear how he would do this, but there it is.

Lost in all of that was something that immediately occurred to roughly half the people in this country: Trump has already been president. Hillary Clinton didn’t go to jail.  The First Amendment was not even scaled back, let alone abolished.  And now the democracy that Trump supposedly despises so much has just voted to give him another term in office.

Maybe the problem is that people look at the world as they see it, and it just doesn’t line up with the stories you are trying to sell them.

I have no objection to media outlets picking favorites.  It is a long tradition in this country.  Indeed, the idea of an “unbiased” media was (in hindsight) a short-lived experiment of the post-World War II era, as embodied by the Fairness Doctrine (1948-1987, may it rest in peace).  Media has always been biased, and there is nothing wrong with that.

But when media refuse to admit their bias, favor one side of the political spectrum so heavily, and allow their hatred for one candidate or party to warp their vision of the truth, then the country is not well served.

A few years back a study found that only about one-third of Americans had any trust in the media.  Only 7 percent had a great deal of trust.  That’s bad enough.  What’s worse is that, among Republicans, the number was only 14 percent. Independents were at 27 percent.

To put that in perspective, that isn’t much better than the approval ratings for Congress at that same time.

You want to talk about threats to democracy?  A media so completely lacking in credibility with the broader citizenry is probably a bigger threat than anything Trump could do in a second term.

There is going to come a time when we need — all of us — to be able to trust the media again to tell us what is actually true.

We need the media to be a reputable part of the checks-and-balances of our republic.

Right now, you are failing at that.  COVID gave us some insight into what can happen when that breaks down.  It could be even worse in the future.

[Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]

October 16, 2024 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.

Romans 10:9 that if you will confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For with the heart, one believes resulting in righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made resulting in salvation. 11 For the Scripture says, “Whoever believes in him will not be disappointed.” 12 For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek; for the same Lord is Lord of all, and is rich to all who call on him. 13 For, “Whoever will call on the name of the Lord will be saved.”