Repost by Permission: American Election Soap Opera “As The World Burns” Receives “Something HUGE Is About To Happen” Warning

October 14, 2024

American Election Soap Opera “As The World Burns” Receives “Something HUGE Is About To Happen” Warning

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

A thought-provoking new Security Council (SCreport circulating in the Kremlin today first noting Sky News Australia released its video “SNL Turns On Kamala Harris With Hilarious Parody As She Is ‘Abandoned’ By Key Allies” this morning, wherein it documents how the leftist Saturday Night Live programme has viciously turned against the socialist Biden-Harris Regime, says it was then revealed: “The official union of the U.S. border patrol announced its full support of former President Trump during a rally in Prescott Valley, Arizona on Sunday”—a revelation joined by leftist American pollster Frank Luntz fearfully explaining why Kamala Harris is losing ground to President Trump—just released non-biased polling predicts President Trump will win a landslide victory, and it was also reported: “Current 2024 election betting odds give former President Donald Trump the biggest lead any candidate has held since July, just days after Trump surged past Vice President Kamala Harris in presidential election odds for the first time in 26 days…Trump jumped to a 9.2% advantage on Thursday, with bettors giving him a 53.9% chance to win and Harris a 44.7% chance”.

While a trembling world awaits President Trump returning to power to restore sanity to America, this report notes, yesterday it saw demented and deranged President Joe Biden declaring: “The United States stands ready to engage in talks with Russia, China, and North Korea without preconditions to reduce the nuclear threat…There is no benefit to our nations or the world to forestall progress on reducing nuclear arsenals”—and was a demented declaration swiftly followed by the news: “NATO has launched nuclear drills in Western Europe amid high tensions with Russia over the Ukraine conflict…The annual ‘Steadfast Noon’ exercise kicked off on Monday, and involves thirteen members of the US-led military bloc…NATO forces are training in deploying American nuclear weapons, which Washington has installed under the bloc’s nuclear-sharing arrangement…This year’s exercise involves 2,000 military personnel from eight airbases and over 60 aircraft, including nuclear-capable fighter jets, bombers, fighter escorts, flying tankers, and electronic warfare aircraft”.

At the same time NATO launched its “Steadfast Noon” nuclear war exercise in Europe today, this report continues, China launched its massive “Joint Sword-2024B” military war drills to blockade Taiwan, which caused socialist Biden-Harris Regime top diplomatic spokesman Matthew Miller to exclaim: “The United States is seriously concerned by the People’s Liberation Army joint military drills in the Taiwan Strait and around Taiwan…We call on the People’s Republic of China to act with restraint and to avoid any further actions that may undermine peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait and in the broader region”.

Early last week, this report details, Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz announced he had declared United Nations Secretary General António Guterres persona non grata, which banned him from setting foot in Israel—last evening it saw Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu issuing the demand to Secretary General Antonio Guterres about United Nations peacekeepers in Lebanon: “Mr. Secretary General, get the UNIFIL forces out of harm’s way…It should be done right now, immediately”—a demand swiftly followed by the news: “UN peacekeepers in Lebanon saw Israeli troops breach the Blue Line that separates Israel from Lebanon and force their way into a UN base at the southern Lebanese border village of Ramyah, in what the UN Interim Force In Lebanon (UNIFIL) described as a grave violation of international humanitarian law”—and was “a grave violation of international humanitarian law” joined with the news: “The United States has ordered the deployment of a THAAD air defense system to Israel, along with a crew of American service members to operate it”.

To inform the American peoples about the significance of these critical global events now occurring, this report notes, the Redacted News channel, whose over 2.5 million subscribers far exceeds the 921,000 daily viewers who watch leftist MSNBC and the 541,000 daily viewers who watch leftist CNN, just released its warning video ““Something HUGE Is About To Happen” And U.S. Dominance Is On The Line”, wherein it factually revealed: “In 9 days, everything changes for the United States…Russia and the BRICS nations are holding their massive October summit to announce a new gold-backed currency, and NATO is holding nuclear exercises as a deterrent”—a factual revelation quickly joined with the news today: “Foreign investors’ claims on Uncle Sam have been greater than U.S. investors’ claims overseas for decades, an imbalance that many analysts have long warned may spark a crisis of confidence in the dollar…The U.S. is now entering uncharted territory with regard to its net debtor status…Its negative net international investment position, or “NIIP”, is growing rapidly and is now the largest it has ever been, both nominally and as a share of GDP”.

The longest total running time of any television show in American history, this report concludes, was the soap opera “As The World Turns”, that aired on CBS for 54 years from 2 April 1956 to 17 September 2010—but as a testament to American election politics throwing the entire world into chaos two years into everyone knowing the truth about the warmongering socialist Obama-Biden Regime in 2010, this longest running soap opera was replaced by “As The World Burns”, about which is documented: “As The World Burns is a lighthearted look at a horrendous series of calamities in the lives of a small group of close friends, the only denizens of a place called Deep End, whose idyllic Country Club life is intruded upon by a cascading series of calamities that will change their lives forever ”.

[Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]

October 14, 2024 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.

Romans 10:9 that if you will confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For with the heart, one believes resulting in righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made resulting in salvation. 11 For the Scripture says, “Whoever believes in him will not be disappointed.” 12 For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek; for the same Lord is Lord of all, and is rich to all who call on him. 13 For, “Whoever will call on the name of the Lord will be saved.”