January 15, 2025
Trump Destroys Leftist Media And Prepares Blowtorch For Government Workers
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers
An informative new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today first noting President Donald Trump posted the announcement yesterday: “I am today announcing that I will create the EXTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE to collect our Tariffs, Duties, and all Revenue that come from Foreign sources…We will begin charging those that make money off of us with Trade, and they will start paying, FINALLY, their fair share…Through soft and pathetically weak Trade agreements, the American Economy has delivered growth and prosperity to the World, while taxing ourselves…It is time for that to change”, says this announcement followed top socialist Biden Regime official National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan chillingly warning White House reporters on Monday: “I hope this is my last at this podium…The only thing that would be bring me back is an unexpected event in the next few days, as you all know is totally possible”.
While the world awaits “an unexpected event in the next few days”, this report notes, Axios revealed today: “President-elect Trump is being inundated with so much money from corporations and wealthy donors that his team expects to raise about $500 million by summer”—the main corporations inundating President Trump with money are the same Silicon Valley tech giants he has long vilified—and the leaders of these Silicon Valley tech giants are paying millions for VIP tickets to attend the President Trump inauguration ceremonies next week.
Critical to notice, this report continues, are that 542 of these Silicon Valley tech giants inundating President Trump with money laid off more than 150,000 of their workers last year—and a just released World Economic Forum survey warningly revealed: “Artificial intelligence is coming for your job: 41% of employers intend to downsize their workforce as AI automates certain tasks…Out of hundreds of large companies surveyed around the world, 77% said they were planning to reskill and upskill their existing workers between 2025-2030 to better work alongside AI”.
In stark contrast to Silicon Valley tech giants utilizing AI to save money by shedding themselves of obsolete workers, this report details, the socialist Biden Regime increased the federal government workforce by about 120,800 employees since coming to power in January-2021—and is a government workforce President Trump intends to destroy with the help of Silicon Valley tech giants, and whose workers know this blowtorch of destruction is coming for them.
Along with President Trump amassing a $500 million war chest to aid the elections of his political allies, and him preparing to award massive contracts to Silicon Valley tech giants for AI solutions to obliterate the bloated government workforce, this report notes, it comes at the same time a new Gallup survey revealed: “The percentage of Americans who say they have a great deal or a fair amount of trust in the mass media has fallen to a record low”
The destruction by President Trump of the lying leftist fake news media, as proven by the Gallup survey, this report continues, is evidenced in revelations and articles like “Washington Post traffic craters, loses $100M amid identity crisis as talent, readers flee”—”CNN on cusp of some sweeping lay-offs – all designed to save the network’s flailing reputation”—”MSNBC President Rashida Jones Departing as Cable Network Prepares for Comcast Spinoff”—and it was also reported: “Since the election, FOX News captured 72% of the cable news audience in primetime as MSNBC and CNN ushered in historic declines”.
Because the leftist media is destroyed to the extent Americans no longer believe its fake news lying narratives, this report concludes, The Hill just revealed: “Democrats’ hopes of defeating any of President-elect Trump’s Cabinet nominees appear to be fizzling”—because he no longer fears the leftist media, House Speaker Mike Johnson defied President Biden and ordered flags raised to full staff during the inauguration of President Trump—and because American companies no longer fear the leftist media, last evening it was reported: “Coca-Cola CEO James Quincey presented President Trump with the first-ever Presidential Commemorative Inaugural Diet Coke”.
[Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]
January 15, 2025 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.