August 25, 2024
Lizard Overlord Running America Admits “We’re Very Discreet, Reptilian, Cold Blooded”
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers
A beyond troubling new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today first noting unelected usurper Ukraine Dictator Vladimir Zelensky signed a law that calls for the banning of any religious group suspected of having ties to Russia, that threatens to effectively shut down the Ukrainian Orthodox Church – the largest faith-based organization in the country, says this demonic act was joined by the article “Western Globalist Vultures Set to Prey On Ukraine’s Orthodox Treasures”, wherein it shockingly revealed: “Ukrainian Orthodox Church valuables, including holy relics from the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, will be transferred to museums in Italy, France, Germany and the Vatican”—all of which caused Security Council Deputy Chairman Dmitry Medvedev to proclaim: “Zelensky has no religious identity and the crackdown is full-fledged Satanism…Ukraine will be destroyed, like Sodom and Gomorrah were, and the demons will inevitably fall”.
In knowing that their fall is soon coming, this report notes, last evening these socialist Western colonial demons arrested Telegram secure messaging app founder and CEO Pavel Durov when his private plan landed in France—Durov is a multi-billionaire dual French-Russian citizen who left Russia after he refused to cooperate with the Russian secret service and provide encrypted data of his first social network’s users, he moved himself and Telegram to Dubai in 2017, then became a French citizen in 2021—Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova pointed out that back in 2018, a group of 26 NGOs, including Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, Freedom House, Reporters Without Borders and others, condemned the Russian court’s ruling to block Telegram—Zakharova reminded the NGOs that Moscow had legal issues with Telegram over the technical parameters of its encryption system, like many other countries, “Meanwhile, Durov remained free all this time, continuing to develop Telegram”, she stressed, then asked: “What do you think, will these NGOs appeal to Paris this time and demand Durov’s release, or will they swallow their tongues?”.
In quick response to the demonic arrest of the founder of the world’s most used and secure messaging app, this report continues, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. declared: “France just arrested Pavel Durov, founder and CEO of the encrypted and uncensored Telegram platform…The need to protect free speech has never been more urgent”—African American conservative television presenter Candace Owens factually observed: “The trouble with free speech is that it disallows the media to set the narrative…They used to be able to justify war to you in a faraway land…Now you can see the reality of what they are doing…This is why Pavel Durov has been arrested – because the demons are losing control”—and America’s most trusted newsman Tucker Carlson most gravely warningly assessed: “Pavel Durov left Russia when the government tried to control his social media company, Telegram…But in the end, it wasn’t Putin who arrested him for allowing the public to exercise free speech…It was a Western country, a Biden administration ally and enthusiastic NATO member, that locked him away…Durov’s arrest is a living warning to any platform owner who refuses to censor the truth at the behest of governments and intel agencies…Darkness is descending fast on the formerly free world”.
The “living warning” demonic arrest of the world’s 120th richest person Durov, this report details, is squarely aimed at the world’s richest person Elon Musk, who refuses to censor his X platform and posted the message “FreePavel”—a message joined by German conservative political activist Naomi Seibt grimly warning: “Why do you think they just arrested the owner of Telegram, Pavel Durov?…This is a test run…They are setting a precedent…Their ultimate target is Elon Musk”.
While being targeted by these demons, this report notes, Elon Musk announced he his moving his X platform out of the socialist Democrat Party controlled hellhole San Francisco, that was quickly followed by the article “If Elon Musk Is Moses, Leading The Exodus From San Francisco, Does That Make Newsom the Pharaoh?”—and is a socialist Democrat Party controlled Governor Gavin Newsom who admitted “I’ve been told to say” as it pertained to the blatant lie that Kamala Harris had been nominated in an open process.
Most certainly ordering Governor Newsom what lies to tell in order to deceive Americans, this report concludes, was feared and powerful socialist Democrat Party overlord Nancy Pelosi, who masterminded the coup to overthrow President Joe Biden and just openly admitted about her demonic forces: “We’re Very Discreet, Reptilian, Cold Blooded”—and is a demonic admission joined with the article “12 Million Americans Believe Lizard People Run Our Country”, wherein it revealed: “According to a Public Policy Polling survey, around 12 million people in the US believe that interstellar lizards in people suits rule our country”.
[Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]
August 25, 2024 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.